Teaching Early Childhood Education (P-3) at Montclair State University

Teacher of Preschool Through Grade Three (P-3) (Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification)

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Teacher of Preschool Through Grade Three (Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification)

Students with a baccalaureate degree and interest in teaching may pursue the post-baccalaureate program for certification only. This program is open to students who wish to obtain a certification to teach students in preschool through grade three (p-3).

Upon successful completion of the program, the student will be recommended to the New Jersey Department of Education for a teaching certificate. Students interested in teaching elsewhere should seek information from the appropriate state authorities; requirements are generally similar.

As a condition of New Jersey’s Beginning Teacher Induction Program, candidates who have completed undergraduate or post-baccalaureate teacher certification programs must successfully complete one provisional year of teaching under a provisional certificate to be eligible for a permanent, standard New Jersey teaching certificate. Candidates who already possess a New Jersey standard certificate and who are seeking an additional teaching endorsement are exempt. Persons recommended by the University for certification will receive a Certificate of Eligibility With Advanced Standing which authorizes the holder to seek and accept offers of employment in New Jersey schools and in other states. The certificate is valid for the lifetime of its holder.

For certification as an early childhood teacher wishing to teach students in preschool through grade three (p-3) in New Jersey, current regulation requires the completion of a major in the liberal arts, sciences, or a minimum of 60 liberal arts credits. A “Liberal arts major” means any college major such as philosophy, history, literature, sociology, science, mathematics, or world language that is intended primarily to provide general knowledge and to develop an individual’s general intellectual capacities to reason and evaluate, as opposed to professional or vocational skills. However, beginning in Fall 2025, candidates shall complete a liberal arts, science, dual-content, or interdisciplinary academic major, or a minimum of 60 credits in liberal arts and/or science, and 30 credits must be in core-content subject areas, including English, mathematics, social studies/history, and science. Please discuss this specific requirement with an advisor during the admissions process to ensure that all certification requirements are met.

Please refer to our teacher education and certification page for information on other options in teacher education as well as our programs of study page for a comprehensive list of all of the graduate programs offered within the university.

*F1/J1 visa seeking students are not eligible for this program.